Evropské nefrologické atestace

European Nephrology Examination

Dear colleagues of the UEMS Renal Section and Board

This e-mail is to inform and update you on the evolution of the ”European Nephrology Examination”. As you may know the registration for the examination opened October 26 th, and it will be closed December 7 th, 2016.

In the ERA-EDTA website you can find a complete information about the exam. You have to open “Education, congress and meetings” and then go to the “European Nephrology Examination”. There you will find a link to “dedicated portal” in which under the UEMS and ERA-EDTA logos you can find all the details needed.

I have to remind all the UEMS Renal Section members that ERA EDTA Council decided to promote the exam offering to the first 100 registered candidates -under 40 or from the low income countries-, 3 years of free ERA-EDTA membership. This has been great!!!!!

In addition to this initiative, in the meeting of the UEMS Renal Section and Board we had in the ERA-EDTA 2016 Vienna Congress, I encouraged the UEMS Renal Section members who were there to convince their Societies to incentive the “European Nephrology Examination” , either helping with the cost of the registration (600 Euros) or in any other way considered appropriate to increase the participation. We shall be delighted if your National Society or College of Physicians helps in that direction.

We are now in the Ecuador of the registration period and we a good news, the number of candidates registered the first week were 26. Then, it seems that all is going in the direction we wish. Please, push the young nephrologists to register soon to be in the group of the first 100 who can obtain the mentioned ERA-EDTA benefits.

Have a nice week !!!

Kind regards

Jorge Cannata-Andía,
on behalf of Itzchak Slotki and David Lappin

Prof. Jorge B. Cannata-Andía
Full Professor of Medicine
Instituto "Reina Sofia" de Investigacion
Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias
Oviedo, Spain
E-mail: cannata@hca.es