The 23rd Budapest Nephrology School

Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis, Transplantation, Nephropathology

Dear Colleague,

The 23rd Budapest Nephrology School (Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis, Transplantation, Nephropathology) under the auspices of ISN, ERA-EDTA, IFKF and ISP will be traditionally held between 26-31 August, 2016 with the participation of distinguished international faculty.

One of the best known refresher courses on nephrology has attracted many young physicians from Europe and around the world, representing 65 countries during the past more than two decades.
Last year, the 22nd Budapest Nephrology School was accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for 27 European CME credits (ECMEC). We are expecting to have similar evaluation for the 23rd Budapest Nephrology School as well. For Hungarian participants the course was accredited by OFTEX for 50 credits.

We continue with the successful initiatives (like “My Most Interesting Cases” presented by the faculty and “My Most Interesting Cases” presented by the participants, Poster and Wine discussion) to further encourage the lively and fruitful interaction among the participants themselves, as well as between the participants and the faculty members.
We have also implemented some changes. This year we put special emphasis on nephropathology. We devote a whole day to discuss what is the most important in nephrology practice from the development in renal pathology.

ERA-EDTA and Hungarian Kidney Foundation offer travel grant for young nephrologists. For further information click on the following link:

The program with the list of Faculty is attached.
For further information please visit the official website at

Please forward this invitation also to all your colleagues and friends who would be interested in participation.

Kind regards,

Prof. László Rosivall, MD, PHD, DSc
President of the Hungarian Kidney Foundation

23rd Budapest Nephrology School - 0404_Program.pdf
238,47 kB, Datum poslední změny: 29.5.2016

80,74 kB, Datum poslední změny: 29.5.2016